Local Law 152; Inspections Of Exposed Gas Piping - Aladdin Plumbing Corp

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On November 16, 2016, the New York City Council passed Local Law 152. This law, approved by the mayor of New York City, is intended to implement immediate inspections of exposed gas piping located in any commercial buildings in the New York City area. In a nutshell, if you own any commercial building you have, until a designated date according to where the building is located, to comply with Local Law 152.

And that is precisely what we are going to take an in depth look at here today. Hopefully, by the end of this post you will be better educated about Local Law 152, what it is, and when and how to comply.

According to the First Follow Up Report regarding Local Law 152, a periodic inspection of gas piping systems is now being required of any commercial buildings, except the ones that are rented for residential use.

Also, according to that follow up, those inspections would be enforced immediately, and performed on those properties every four years. There is a very detailed section on the above link as to when those inspections are to be completed according to which borough the building is located in.

If the building in question just so happens to be yours, and there are no gas pipes in your building, you are not totally exempt from this inspection process.

You still have to adhere to the timetable for the inspections as they pertain to your location, only you must have the building certified by a structural engineer, or the architect of the building, as being free of any gas piping.

It all may sound a bit confusing but, as with any infrastructure, age is the worst enemy and looking at these inspections as an opportunity to take your building’s maintenance regimen to the next level will benefit you and your tenants.

Perhaps the best way to look at Local Law 152 would be the benefits of identifying problems within your gas pipes before they cause you some colossal issues affecting not only your wallet, but your tenants as well!

How Do I Comply With Local Law 152?
Local Law 152 stated that, effective January 1, 2020, gas piping in all buildings except those in occupancy group R3, must be inspected by a Licensed Master Plumber, or an assistant working directly under and being supervised by a Licensed Master Plumber.

The original law, then goes on to state when those inspections were to be completed according to the borough in which the building is located in.

To be in compliance with Local Law 152, the Licensed Master Plumber must provide to you, the building’s owner, a Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection report showing the actual results of the inspection.

The Licensed Master Plumber must then use the Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection report form (GPS1) which can be found on the Department of Buildings website.

That gets you in compliance with the inspection process of Local Law 152. Now that same information has to be certified by the same Licensed Master Plumber.

Once the results of the inspection are made public, then the problems, if any can be addressed and the building is now ready energy audit for buildings certification. The certification takes place through the Department of Buildings website as well by the Licensed Master Plumber using the Gas Piping System Periodic Inspection Certification (GPS2).

While the whole process essentially is to be completed twice, inspection followed by certification, again just look at the advantages of having any problems brought to your attention and dealt with accordingly.

Now, take a further look at some Frequently Asked Questions regarding Local Law 152.
The Inspection of Exposed Gas Piping… What is Exposed Gas Piping?

The purpose of this inspection is to inspect the condition of all gas pipes that are exposed to view. This does not include any pipes that may be above any drop ceiling or behind any access doors.

My Building Has No Gas, and No Gas Piping… Does it Still Need Inspection and Certification?
The Registered Design Professional (RDP) of your building is still responsible for signing off as there being no gas piping in your building. That would be made by item #4 on the GPS2 Certification Certification of No Gas Piping System. The Design Professional or architect of the building would be responsible for reaching out to the designated utility company to verify that the building has no gas service and if there was gas service in the past, that 6the service has been terminated at the meter connection.

My Inspection Was Not Completed…. Does the Whole Process Have to Be Repeated?
Basically, yes. If for whatever reason your inspection was interrupted and never completed, you must begin with a new york energy reporting inspection and certification process according to the law.

Do Gas Appliances Have to Be Inspected in Any Tenant Spaces?
No. This inspection does not include any gas appliances. It is strictly for any exposed gas piping within the building such as hallways, and corridors. No tenant spaces are to be inspected as part of this law regardless of their occupancy classification.

Will There Be Any Leak Tests as Part of This Inspection and Certification?
Yes. The Licensed Master Plumber performing the initial inspection will also conduct the proper leak tests in the inspected areas with accordance to the law.

Will The Leak Test Be Performed in Any Tenant Spaces?
No. The purpose of the inspection and subsequent leak tests are only performed in exposed gas pipe areas leading up to the tenant spaces. No tenant spaces will be inspected, tested, or certified as part of this law.

How Will My Crawlspaces Be Leak Tested?
The Licensed Master Plumber performing the inspection and leak tests will use the appropriate combustible gas detectors to probe any crawlspaces located within your building.

My Building Has a Boiler Room… Will it Be Inspected?
No. There will be no inspections or leak testing performed to any boiler rooms, or mechanical rooms within your building.

What Conditions Must Be Reported Immediately?
Anything that is found to be unsafe or hazardous such as a gas leak, illegal connection, non-compliant installation must be made aware immediately to the utility company, the Department of Buildings, and the owner.

Now, Getting Everything in Order!
The above listed Frequently Asked Questions are just a few of the highlights from the actual FAQ listed in the above link.

virtadpt.netWhen you are faced with this inspection and certification process for your commercial building you need a true professional Licensed Master Plumber with the ability to thoroughly inspect and promptly certify your New York City building.

That is precisely what you will find at Aladdin Plumbing Heating and AC IAG Energy Services.
Our Licensed Master Plumbers understand the need for your building to be compliant with Local Law 152. This team of dedicated professionals will promptly inspect, make the needed corrections, if any, then get your building certified as quickly as possible!