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CLODION 1738-1814

CLAUDE MICHEL, who was to attain so great a popularity under the familiar name of Clodion, was born at Nancy 20th December, 1738; he was the son of Thomas Michel, who, from a purveyor to the Court of Thomas Michel, who, from a purveyor to the Court of Lorraine, became first sculptor to the King of Prussia, and Anne Adam, a sister of the two celebrated artists of that name. The first years of Clodion's life were spent in Nancy and Lille, where his father was settled in 1748. In 1755 he joined in Paris his brothers Sigisbert, Nicolas, and Pierre, and entered the studio of Lambert Sigisbert Adam, his maternal uncle, who was probably the ablest sculptor of his day, and with whom he remained until 1759. During these four years spent with his uncle, Clodion thoroughly familiarized himself with the study of the nude, learnt all the secrets of his art, and rapidly acquired the dynastic ability