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H.C. Frick, Esq. Approbation List Page #4

ROOM AT END OF GALLERY (CON) 25854 (con). text has been x'ed out: and illustrated in the catalogue; also exhibited at the Special Loan Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, in the catalogue of which it is fully described.

Illustrated and described in "Monuments Francais indents," par N.X. Willemin. Size, 20-1/2 in. by 16-1/4". 120,000.00 end of x'ed out text PICTURE GALLERY 25522 A PAIR OF OLD XVI CENTURY CASSONI. With panels carved in classical subjects. Slightly restored. 55,000.00

26397 A LIFE SIZE BRONZE BUST OF ANTONIO GALLO. A celebrated Genoese financier, economist and historian.

a Florentine work of art of the Sixteenth Century by JACOPO SANSOVINO (1477-1570) Represented with his head inclining somewhat forward and turned slightly towards the left. The forehead is high and prominent; the eyes are clear cut and the pupils indicated; the nose is straight and refined and the under lip full and sensitive. The hair, beard, and mustache are generally treated in closely formed waves framing the countenance, and exposing the ears, which are small and well modeled. The garment is of close-fitting embroidered material, beautifully detailed in flat relief, showing a few soft folds on the breast and braided on the front and shoulders; a raised collar,