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N.W. RIGHT CABINET M.M 144. Oblong Plaque, representing the seven dolours of the Virgin in seven circular medallions on green ground, with gllt arabesques. The Virgin in centre, St. Magdalene kneeling opposite the figure of the Lady Donor. 10,000

M.M. 145. PLAQUE, painted in colors; a male portrait bust. Signed with the initials of Leonard Limousin. (Magniac and Mannheim Collections.) 22,500

M.M. 150. PLAQUE, painted in colors; a male portrait bust. Signed with the initials of Leonard Limousin. (Magniac and Mannheim Collections.) 22,500

M.M. 174. CASKET of wood covered with Limoges enamel. The story of Joseph by P. Courteys. Painted in colors. On the arched cover are I. Pharoah's Dream, 2. The Interpretation. 3. Joseph's Advancement. 4. The Departure of Joseph's brother to Egypt. Round the sides are I. Joseph and Potipar's wife. 2. The Brethren before Joseph. 3. The Discovery of the cup on Benjamin's sack. 4. Joseph making himself known to his brethren. Signed P.C. 20,000

M.M. 175. EWER OF Limoges Enamel. The history of Troy painted in colours; Round the shoulder are a Shield of arms and busts in medallions. On the half of the body is represented the entry of the wooden horse into Troy by Jean 111 Penicaud. 10,000
