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December 16, 1914.

My dear Mr. Frick:

I send you herewith enclosed the bill for the Goya. We are indeed happy that the picture should have found a permanent home in your beautiful house and in such splendid company.

As per your request, we are sending up for your consideration the Portrait of a lady by Gerard Terburg, and we send you with the painting the endorsement of Dr. Martin, director of the important public gallery, the Mauritshuis at the Hague. As you no doubt know, Dr. Martin is considered one of the most conservative and severest critics on Duty & Flemish Art in Europe. In fact it is rarely that he will give a written endorsement at all.

We send you also our glorious painting by Guardi. This painting has been examined and passed on by practically all the greatest critics including Mr. Bernard Berenson, Mr. F. Mason Perkins of Florence, Dr. Valentiner of the Metropolitan Museum, Dr. Bredius and his assistant Dr. Kronig, Dr. Friedlander of the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, etc. etc. They all agree that it is one of the most beautiful Guardis in the world. The painting is fully signed by Guardi.

If you will notify me when it is convenient, I shall be glad to come up and see you about these paintings.

Thanking you for your patronage, I remain

Very truly yours,

H.L. Enrich

Henry C. Frick, Esq. 70th Street & Fifth Avenue New York City