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New York, March 23, 1914. Mr. George Wyness, Pride's Crossing, Mass. My dear George: Mr. Frick wants the painting of his daughter by Chartran that hangs in his bedroom between the windows on the ocean side of the house sent to New York. A. H. Davenport & Co. of Boston, will go to Pride's and get this picture and ship it to Knoedler & Company, New York. I have advised A. H. Davenport & Company tp report to you at Pride's and that you will give them the picture. In taking to Mrs. Frick today she said to please advise you to start with the oil in the woos just as soon as possible and that she would like to have plenty of oil thrown on the other side of the fences. Yours very truly, (Signed) D. B. Knich.