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SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. (1723-1792) LADY ELIZABETH TAYLOR Canvas, 491/2 inches by 40 inches

SEATED, turned to the right, wearing a white hat trimmed with black and yellow twisted velvet cord, three white ostrich feathers, and pale blue ribbon fastened at the side, cockade fashion, white dress, white fichu, and a black velvet ribbon just showing at the throat. Powdered hair, falling in ringlets over the shoulders. Her left elbow is resting on a pedestal, with both hands in her lap. The background consists of a pale green curtain, with a landscape to the right. Elizabeth Gooden Houghton, daughter of Phillip Houghton, of Jamaica, married December 17th, 1778, John Taylor, Esq., F.R.S., of Nysson Hall, in the same island, who was created a baronet in 1780. This picture was entered to be sold in Phillips' Catalogue of July 20th, 1835, lot 142, and purchased anonymously, it afterwards became the property of Monsieur Maurice Kann, Paris. It is mentioned in Graves and Cronin's "A History of the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds," and illustrated in "Les Arts," April, 1909. It has been engraved by Henry Chiffer and exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1910. 137 DN