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[begin page 2 of 2] The scheme you have conceived to decide the Major is excellent & I do not see how he can say no especially coming from you. I do not think there is a crowned head in Europe who would not accept a similar proposition coming from Chartran but evidently the President-Elect is not familiar with our friend's works - after it is finished he will be under further obligations to you! The Major does not know how quickly Chartran paints & how little of his valuable time will be taken. This whole matter will be treated confidentially as requested.

Did I not understand you to say that we were to hear from Mr. Pitcairn about a portrait. My impression was that you telephoned that you were to see him or his wife? Please accept my personal thanks for all the trouble this matter is giving you and with kind remembrances to the ladies believe me

Very sincerely yours Roland F. Knoedler

H. C. Frick Esq Carnegie Bldg. Pittsburgh

P. S. Did you get a notice from the Ostend Club asking to continue to be a member, dues to be paid only if you make use of the Club? Do you think we will go there again?

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