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New York, November 6, 1918. Mrs. G. S. Selfridge, 282 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass

Dear Madam: The painting about which you inquire is evidently the "St. Francis of Assisi" by Govanni Bellini, born in Venice in 1422 and died in 1512, of which a photo engraving is enclosed. This painting is referred to in a book published early in the 16th Century, Viz: "The Anonimo" of Paolo Muss as follows:- "The oil picture, on panel (in the house of Messer Taddeo Contarino, at Venice, 1525) representing St. Francis in the Desert, is by Giovanni Bellini. It was commenced by him for Messer Giovanni Michiel, and has in the background a wonderfully elaborate and highly finished landscape. The painting has frequently been exhibited, and is mentioned in many books relating to Bellini. Trusting that this is the information you desire, I am, Yours very truly,