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H. C. FRICK Pittsburgh, PA New York Address 640 Fifth Avenue

Prides Crossing, Mass. November 19th, 1910.

Dear Mr. Lane: Replying to your favor of the 18th. It gives me pleasure to comply with your request. Will loan you fifty pictures for a fortnight beginning December 1st, the long picture gallery will have ample space. Your suggestion of having first day say December 1st open only to your annual Subscribers and other specially invited guests, and that two days be set aside on which admission be charge entirely satisfactory. Messrs M. Knoedler & Co of New York will deliver and hang the pictures and remove them after the close of the Exhibition. The gallery should be ready for them by Tuesday November 29th. Sincerely Yours, To. Gardiner Martin Lane Esq, President Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, Mass.