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COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK Friday Jany 31, 3 to 5 821 West 178th Street, December 27, 1918.

H.C. Frick, Esq, Fifth Avenue, New York City. My dear Sir: I have recently organized a class to study the private collections of New York City, and this course would certainly be incomplete without the inclusion of you collection, which seems to me the most important one. Knowing your generous policy in this regard from your kind letter of a year ago. I write to ask the privilege of visiting with my class your admirable collection, which I have myself so much enjoyed. The Class will be a selection from those students who have had one or more of the courses in the Metropolitan Museum which I offer for the Department of Extension Teaching, Columbia University. This number will probably not exceed twenty and all will have class cards to identify them. In viewing the paintings they will form a group ground me, listening to my interpretation, and could not disturb other visitors. We meet Monday afternoons, and if this time is not inconvenient to you, I beg to ask that we may meet at your gallery on one of the following dates: January 20, 27, February 3, or 10, at 2 p.m. If however, it is not possible for you to let us come on Monday, as we should prefer, we could arrange to come Friday, January 31. Thanking you in advance for your courtesy, I am, Very sincerely yours, George Kriehn