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AMERICANS INSTITUTE OD MINING ENGINEERS 29 West Thirty-ninth Street New York Novemebr 17, 1917.

Mr. Henry C. Frick, Fifth Avenue & 70th Street, New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir: As the Annual Convention of this Institute last yer about 200 members and guests had the very rare pleasure of visiting your galleries and seeing a collection which those who had seem most of the foreign collections pronounced superior to any other collection in the world. I am writing to ask whether our members and the ladies of their family may have this same courtesy extended during our Convention next February. The Convention will last from Monday, February 18, 1918, to Thursday, February 31st, inclusive, but we shall have an out of town excursion on Thursday and would, therefore, desire to visit your galleries on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Will you be kind enough to advise me if such a privilege will be extended? I think I have already indicated with how much pleasure such a courtesy would be received. While we do not wish to indicate what day you would like to invite us to see your galleries, I am asked to say that the ladies have planned to go to a matinee on Wednesday. They would gladly abandon the matinee idea for the pleasure of going to your home, but