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DUVEEN BROTHERS. 720 Fifth Avenue, New York. January Thirty First 1917.. Received Feb-8 1917 H.C. Frick JD-A C.H. Hart, Esq, 472 West End Avenue, New York City.

Dear Sir: We received your letter of the 15th inst, but despite its unwarranted expressions, we permitted you on January 2th to ex-amine the undeniable proof of the authenticity of the great Houdon bust. We thought that after you had seen this proof you would appreciate the enormity of your attack on this work of art and would be impelled to make such amends as you could, if only to demonstrate that your asper-sions were not inspired by malice and a desire to injure. Up to date you have, so far as we know, done nothing, you utterly disregard the re-sentment of a responsible concern whose property has been unjustifiably traduced. But we do not mean to engage in a controversy by correspond-ence. Unless you withdraw your baseless aspersions respecting this bust by Wednesday next, February 7th, we shall lay the matter before our attorneys with instructions to secure for us such redress as they may think the law provides. Believe us, Your very truly, (Signed) Duveen Brothers.