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Letter from Roger Fry to H.C. Frick, Esq. Guildford, England. Stamped Office of H.C. Frick Received Jan 16 1912 July 10, 1911 Dear Mr. Frick: I have at last found the Vandyck which you ought to have. I send you a photograph of it. It represents Alexander Triest and is of the date 1620, when Vandyck was still strongly under Ruben's influence. It is one of the most splendid and Virile portraits that Vandyck ever did and it has a radiance and glow of color of which he lost the secret in later life. Indeed the color is as remarkable as the mastery and force of the handling. The background represents a silk hanging of the intensest and most transparent green. It is almost an emerald green but rather warmer and more golden, against this the dress is relieved in a peculiarly subtle and beautiful black in which a greenish note is apparent. The photograph makes all this too dark and indefinite. Finally the flesh has an intense luminous golden quality of color which is altogether splendid, the collar is golden white. I can write with full enthusiasm of this portrait, which is altogether worthy of your collection and there are not a great many Vandycks of which I could say as much. The price asked is 15,000 pounds. I may, however, be able to get some slight reduction, not much I fear but I don't think the price is at all high, rather the contrary, in view of the splendid harmony of color, and the fine condition of the picture. You will find it reproduced in the {??} p.164 as belonging to Mr. Morgan. This is a mistake made when the picture was photograph at {??} some years ago.