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COPY IN LETTER BOOK Paintings NEW YORK CITY, April 13, 1915.

Bakers Trust Company, 16 Wall Street, New York City.

Gentlemen: Referring to the attached letter addressed to Mrs. James Creelman, (copy of which I also enclose for your files) please make such endorsement on the same as may ne necessary, in order to facilitate the transaction. Upon receipt of advices from me that I have seen the portrait described in my letter and it is the one referred to in my communication to Mrs. Creelman of even date, you are auto-orized to pay to the order of Sir Hugh Lane $215,000. and as additional $10,000. to Mrs. James Creelman, charging such amounts against my deposit account. In the event of there being an insufficient balance to as may be necessary, holding as collateral to secure the same any secur-ities that may be in your hands at that time.

Your very truly, (signed) H. C. Frick.