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COPY IN LETTER BOOK New York, December4, 1914.

Messrs. M. Knoedler & Company 556 Fifth Avenue, NEw York.

Gentlemen: Referring to my negotiations with your Mr. Carstairs, it is agreed that I purchase from you,

A woman's Portrait, by Goya for $45,000.00 The Forge, " " " $125,000.00 The Bridge, " Maris, " $54,000.00 A View of Dieppe, " Turner, " $175,000.00 The Bull Fight, " Manet " $13,500.00 The Dancers, " Degas. " $45,000.00

Making a total of, $457,500.00

I to pay for same by delivering to you seventy-three hundred and twenty (7320) shares of Pennsylvania Railroad stock, per value $50.00, or at the rate of $62.50 per shares. I also agree to re-purchase the stock from you o January 20th, 1916, and pay you therefor $50.00 per share, provided, you are still the owners of the stock and desire to sell the same to me at that price. Please confirm the above and oblige, Yours very truly,