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I accepted willingly your proposition for Constable because I realized you hadn't seen it and therefore couldn't judge of its beauty. I would also mention incidentally that the expenses of freight insurance etc etc are probably much more than you imagine. I mention all this because it may not make any difference to you and we can renew the N.C. note, if it doesn't meet with your approval - You might be interested to know that I interested Robinson to go £10,800. for the Constable and considered we bought it at a favorable moment. I had a pleasant visit from Mr Morowitz who stayed about 2 hrs - I think he will grow more interested in pictures + more careful in buying. He sails tomorrow. I thank you for your remarks, you may be sure that when I advice you to buy a picture it is because I at least consider it an addition to your collection. We are having splendid weather + enjoying the country thoroughly. Would love to see you - My wife joins me in kind regards. Sincerely C. S. Carstairs