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[1] James Stuart, Duke of Richmond and Lennox


He is here represented with the dog which saved him from assassination by arousing him from sleep.

Full length, standing to left looking at spectator and caressing a dog with his right hand; his left hand rests on his hip; black dress and cloak with star, blue stockings, black shoes with enormous rosettes, wide lace collar; wears the insignia of the Garter; long, fair hair falling over his shoulders; curtain and architectural background.

He was the son of Esme, Duke of Lennox, and cousin of King Charles I, born 1612, created Duke of Richmond 1641. He was a devoted adherent of Charles I, and vainly offered his life to ransom that of his master. He accompanied his King to the scaffold and followed him to the grave.

He retired abroad, and died in 1655, many believing that, although six years had elapsed between the events, he died of a broken heart on account of the death of the King.

Canvas 80 x 47.5 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy 1875 and 1900. See Anthony Van Dyck, by Lional Cust, F.S.A., p. 117.