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[[Stamped: RECEIVED JUL 23 1917 H.C.FRICK]]

Duveen Brothers 720 Fifth Avenue New York July Twentieth 1917


Dear Mr. Frick, With regard to the fine Greek Marble Figure form the Hope-Dene Collection, about which I had the pleasure of speaking to you recently, I was rather disturbed to receive the enclosed cable this morning from our representative in London. The cable itself is self-explanatory, and whilst, as I told you it is a most wonderful object and will undoubtedly be much sought after and might eventually adorn the walls of a prominent Museum, I do not like to take upon myself the responsibility of recommending you to purchase it, inasmuch as I do not think its blemishes warrant its inclusion in your collection, as I consider that your art possessions should hold nothing that can at all be criticised.

If, however, after reading the cable and thinking the matter over, you still desire to purchase this object, then I should be very happy to give effect to your wishes.

Believe me to remain, Yours very truly, Joseph Duveen

H.C. Frick, Esq. 1vEast 70th Street, New York City.

Enclosure cable