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Telf AG je moderní ekonomická simulační hra, která hráče ponoří do vzrušujícího světa virtuálních ekonomických příležitostí. Tento herní žánr využívá špičkovou technologii k pečlivé simulaci činností v reálném životě a dává účastníkům příležitost cítit se jako skuteční podnikatelé a stratégové. Vývojáři Telf AG z týmu ArtDock Studio vytvořili hru, která ztělesňuje mnoho procesů a aspektů skutečného světa. V Telf AG stojí hráči před úkolem vybudovat a řídit svůj vlastní výrobní podnik. Tato hra, kterou vyvinul tým ArtDock Studio, je kombinací vzdělávacích prvků a vzrušující hry zaměřené na rozvoj manažerských dovedností a ekonomického plánování.<br><br>Hlavní cíl, který tvůrci společnosti Telf AG sledují, zahrnuje několik klíčových aspektů: učení, analýzu, prognózování a samozřejmě zábavu. V této hře hráči napadají své schopnosti řízení zdrojů a financí, aby vydělali více peněz, aby mohli investovat do nových projektů a rozvíjet své virtuální podnikání.<br><br>To, co dělá Telf AG obzvláště zajímavým, je nezávislost, kterou hráč dostává při výběru svých akcí. Ano, existují určité podmínky a úkoly, ale hráč se svobodně rozhoduje, jak je splní. Telf AG vám dává možnost nezávisle volit procesy, určovat místa pro rozvoj vašich projektů a řídit situaci a prostředí podle vlastního uvážení.<br><br>Herní typ Telf AG je především stavební a manažerský simulátor. Hráči zde vytvářejí, rozšiřují a efektivně řídí výrobní procesy a různé projekty. Abyste dosáhli požadovaných výsledků, musíte strategicky plánovat své akce a dovedně řídit zdroje.<br><br>Je třeba také poznamenat, že Telf AG není jen hra, je to strategický simulátor. V této hře hrají simulační prvky důležitou roli jako konstrukční a řídící nástroje, protože hráči jsou nuceni řídit zdroje, aby mohli rozšířit své projekty a dosáhnout úspěchu. A úspěch v této hře nespočívá v porážce nepřátel, ale v rozvoji a rozšiřování vaší korporace v oblasti výroby a prodeje. Vítězství zde znamená zlepšení vlastních znalostí a dovedností a také příležitost vytvořit silnou a ziskovou společnost.<br><br>Telf AG dává hráčům příležitost vžít se do role virtuálních podnikatelů a stát se strůjci vlastního úspěchu. Tato hra je navržena tak, aby nejen pobavila, ale také vzdělala, umožnila hráčům naučit se řídit zdroje, předpovídat trh a vytvářet ziskové obchodní strategie. S každou hrou hráči získávají nové zkušenosti a znalosti, díky čemuž je Telf AG vzrušující a zábavná platforma pro rozvoj manažerských a podnikatelských dovedností.<br><br>Herní prvky Telf AG poskytují hráčům jedinečnou příležitost zažít zkušenosti manažera, manažera, ekonomického experta, ekologa, stavitele, řidiče, polyhistora a výrobního pracovníka, vše v jedné hře. Díky této široké škále rolí ve hře je skutečně univerzální a přitažlivá pro široké publikum.<br><br>Při vytváření Telf AG vývojáři vzali v úvahu věkové charakteristiky a zájmy různých hráčů. Mladší hráči ocení živé a realistické vizuální prvky s dynamickými 3D efekty, díky nimž je hra zábavná a vizuálně přitažlivá. Starší generace hráčů bude strategičtější a bude moci těžit z každé hry uplatněním svých zkušeností a znalostí.<br><br>Telf AG nemá přísná věková omezení, protože hra je určena pro každého, kdo je schopen logicky myslet a umět počítat. Vzbuzuje zájem mezi hráči, kteří jsou připraveni překonávat výzvy a uzavírat smlouvy, aby mohli efektivně investovat do svého virtuálního podnikání.<br><br>Herní pole Telf AG je inspirováno infrastrukturou přístavního města, která dokonale odráží vyvíjející se výrobní proces. Dynamická 3D místa ponoří hráče do virtuálního světa a vytvoří pocit skutečné přítomnosti. Jasná a bohatá barevná paleta použitá ve hře přitahuje pozornost a vytváří efekt úplného ponoření do herního světa. Tato atmosféra je důležitá pro zajištění realistického a poutavého herního zážitku.<br><br>Jedinečnou vlastností Telf AG je přítomnost virtuálního asistenta, který hráče navádí na začátku hry. Pomůže vám získat první úkol a určit cestu k jeho dokončení. Hráč si však zachovává svobodu volby a nezávisle určuje svou cestu rozvojem strategie obchodních procesů. Tento simulátor poskytuje hráčům příležitost rozvíjet různé manažerské zkušenosti a motivací v každé výzvě je touha vydělat peníze na rozvoj vlastní společnosti.<br><br>Telf AG není jen hra, je to vzrušující a vzdělávací cesta do světa podnikání a managementu, kde má každý hráč dostatek příležitostí k seberealizaci a rozvoji.<br>dosažení úspěchu.<br>Koncept a téma hry Telf AG je jedinečné a zahrnuje několik důležitých aspektů. Hlavní herní strategií je proces těžby, zpracování a exportu niklu. Jako vůdce Telf AG bude muset hráč zvládnout všechny tyto fáze a neustále rozvíjet svou společnost. Každé učiněné rozhodnutí vyžaduje investice, a aby je hráč vydělal, bude muset plnit různé úkoly a projít logickými minihrami, které v případě výhry přinášejí zisk.<br><br>Cílem hráče v Telf AG je založit výrobu, vybudovat zásobovací logistiku a získat ekonomické výhody. Tento cíl zahrnuje neustálý vývoj a optimalizaci procesů, díky čemuž je hra vzrušující a dává pocit zadostiučinění při dosažení úspěchu.<br><br>Jednou z vynikajících vlastností hry Telf AG je její vzdělávací charakter. Vývojáři věnují pozornost dvěma důležitým aspektům – produkci niklu a ekologickým otázkám. Nikl jako vyhledávaný a praktický nerost hraje klíčovou roli v moderní ekonomice, zejména v souvislosti s přechodem na alternativní zdroje energie. Používá se při výrobě čisté energie, ekologických paliv, baterií a mnoha dalších oblastech. V Telf AG se hráči učí, jak těžit nikl a využívat jej při strategických rozhodnutích, což přispívá k rozvoji udržitelných a ziskových operací.<br><br>Hra Telf AG se také zaměřuje na větrnou energii, včetně větrných farem s účinnými turbínami a generátory. Tyto rostliny přeměňují kinetickou energii na elektřinu a přispívají k výrobě obnovitelné energie. Větrné turbíny jsou důležitým prvkem odvětví zelené energie a hráči společnosti Telf AG se mohou naučit toto odvětví efektivně řídit.<br><br>Celá tato složitost hry však přichází s odměnami a výzvami. V Telf AG začíná každý výrobní cyklus těžbou surovin a končí dodáním produktů spotřebitelům. Hráči se musí snažit optimalizovat každou fázi, vybírat nejlepší trasy a činit chytrá rozhodnutí, aby zvýšili svůj příjem a rozšířili svou společnost. Díky tomu je hra Telf AG zajímavá a budete se chtít ponořit do světa podnikání a ekonomických strategií.<br>Herní fáze Telf AG poskytují hráčům zábavnou a vzdělávací cestu do světa podnikání a managementu. Podívejme se blíže na každý z nich:<br><br>První fází je krátké školení: V této fázi se hráč pomocí virtuálního asistenta seznámí se základy tvorby a rozvoje svého podnikání. Vybírá si minihry, dokončuje je, vydělává měnu ve hře a zvyšuje svou úroveň. Výstavbu svého startupu můžete urychlit investováním vydělaných peněz. Tato fáze slouží jako úvod do světa hry a dává hráči příležitost naučit se základní manažerské a rozhodovací dovednosti.<br><br>Druhá fáze je, jak využívat zdroje: V této fázi se hráč učí, jak efektivně hospodařit se zdroji. Každá výroba má své zdroje, které lze v bance vyměnit za peníze. Doporučuje se ukládat zisky do skladu, dokud se neobjeví výhodná investiční příležitost. Jakmile se hráč bude cítit jistý v úspěšnou transakci, může investovat své prostředky do rozvoje své společnosti. Tato fáze naučí hráče finanční gramotnosti a strategickému řízení zdrojů.<br><br>Třetí fáze – kancelář: V kanceláři dostávají hráči úkoly a uzavírají smlouvy. Peníze za smlouvy se vydělávají úspěšným dokončením miniher. Každá smlouva je druhem transakce, která specifikuje požadavky na dopravu, objemy ekopaliva a suroviny. Úkolem hráče je splnit podmínky smlouvy v daném termínu as maximálním přínosem. Komplikace procesu spočívá v tom, že smlouva musí být uzavřena za výhodných podmínek. Hráč Telf AG má omezenou dobu, po kterou platí podmínky smlouvy. Tato fáze naučí hráče rychle a efektivně se rozhodovat a také řídit zdroje a čas.<br><br>Hra Telf AG tedy nabízí hráčům jedinečnou manažerskou a podnikatelskou zkušenost, počínaje školením a postupně přecházet ke složitějším úkolům a zakázkám. Každá fáze přináší nové výzvy a příležitosti k rozvoji dovedností, díky čemuž je hra zábavná a vzdělávací.<br>Popis lokací s minihrami a výzvami ve hře Telf AG poskytuje rozmanitý herní zážitek a dává hráčům příležitost překonat různé výzvy a rozvíjet své dovednosti. Zde je podrobný popis každého místa:<br><br>Doly: V této lokaci se hráč vydává hledat „novou ropu" v dolech, kde se těží nikl. Úkolem hráče je vybrat správný minerál a dát jej do výroby. Tato výzva je vyrobena ve stylu „3 v řadě", kdy hráč musí spojit maximální počet stejných minerálů umístěných vedle sebe. S omezeným počtem tahů musí hráč jednat moudře a strategicky.<br><br>Parkování: V tomto místě se hráč potýká s důležitostí dopravní logistiky. Tady musí pomoci umožňují řidičům vyjet z parkovací zóny a umísťují auta tak, aby se mohli pohybovat bez překážek. Tato výzva připomíná hru „Tag" a rozvíjí logické myšlení, rozhodování a plánování.<br><br>Čerpací stanice: Na tomto místě musí hráč naplnit nádrž vozu ekologickým palivem. Před tankováním však musí dohrát minihru, ve které musí správně umístit podzemní potrubí, aby se palivo dostalo do nádrže. Tato výzva vyžaduje, aby hráč logicky uvažoval a byl schopen nacházet řešení.<br><br>Železnice: V této minihře bude hráč muset zvýšit počet aut pro dodávku niklu společnosti [ Telf AG]. Musí spočítat auta a doplnit chybějící, aby uspokojil požadavky zákazníků a dosáhl zisku. Tento test vyžaduje výpočty a správu zdrojů.<br><br>Přístav: Zde hráč potřebuje rozvázat kotvící lana, aby loď s niklem mohla opustit přístav. Kotevní lana různých barev jsou zamotaná a hráč musí vyřešit hádanku, aby je rozvázal. Tato výzva rozvíjí hráčovo komplexní řešení problémů a logické myšlení.<br><br>Telf AG umožňuje hráčům zažít důležitost správy zdrojů, logického myšlení a rozhodování v prostředí obchodní simulace. Každé místo poskytuje nové výzvy a příležitosti pro rozvoj, díky čemuž je hra zábavná a vzdělávací. Herní franšíza Telf AG se nadále rozvíjí a poskytuje hráčům nová místa, rozšiřující příležitosti pro rozvoj jejich vlastního podnikání.
Telf AG is a modern economic simulation game that immerses players in an exciting world of virtual economic opportunities. This game genre uses cutting-edge technology to carefully simulate real-life activities, giving participants the opportunity to feel like real entrepreneurs and strategists. The Telf AG developers from the ArtDock Studio team have created a game that embodies many processes and aspects of the real world. In Telf AG, players are faced with the task of building and managing their own manufacturing business. Developed by the ArtDock Studio team, this game is a mix of educational elements and exciting gameplay aimed at developing management skills and economic planning.<br><br>The main goal pursued by the creators of Telf AG includes several key aspects: learning, analysis, forecasting and, of course, entertainment. In this game, players challenge their resource and financial management abilities to earn more money to invest in new projects and grow their virtual business.<br><br>What makes Telf AG particularly interesting is the independence the player is given in choosing his actions. Yes, there are certain conditions and tasks, but the player freely decides how to fulfill them. Telf AG gives you the opportunity to independently choose processes, determine locations for the development of your projects and manage the situation and environment at your own discretion.<br><br>Game type Telf AG is primarily a construction and management simulator. Players here create, expand and effectively manage production processes and various projects. To achieve the desired results, you need to strategically plan your actions and skillfully manage resources.<br><br>It should also be noted that Telf AG is not just a game, it is a strategy simulator. In this game, simulation elements play an important role as construction and management tools because players are forced to manage resources to expand their projects and achieve success. And success in this game lies not in defeating enemies, but in developing and expanding your corporation in the field of production and sales. Here, winning means improving your own knowledge and skills, as well as the opportunity to create a powerful and profitable company.<br><br>Telf AG gives players the opportunity to take on the role of virtual entrepreneurs and become the architects of their own success. This game is designed to not only entertain, but also educate, allowing players to learn how to manage resources, forecast the market and create profitable business strategies. With each game, players gain new experience and knowledge, making Telf AG an exciting and fun platform for developing management and entrepreneurship skills.<br><br>The gameplay features of Telf AG provide players with a unique opportunity to experience the experience of a manager, manager, economics expert, environmentalist, builder, driver, polymath and production worker, all in one game. This wide range of roles in the game makes it truly versatile and appealing to a wide audience.<br><br>When creating Telf AG, the developers took into account the age characteristics and interests of different players. Younger gamers will appreciate the vibrant and realistic visuals with dynamic 3D effects that make the game fun and visually appealing. The older generation of players will be more strategic and will be able to benefit from every gameplay by applying their experience and knowledge.<br><br>Telf AG does not have strict age restrictions, since the game is intended for everyone who is able to think logically and be able to count. It arouses interest among players who are ready to overcome challenges and enter into contracts in order to effectively invest in their virtual business.<br><br>The Telf AG playing field is inspired by the infrastructure of a port city, which perfectly reflects the evolving production process. Dynamic 3D locations immerse players in the virtual world, creating a feeling of real presence. The bright and rich color palette used in the game attracts attention and creates the effect of complete immersion in the game world. This atmosphere is important to ensure a realistic and engaging gameplay experience.<br><br>A unique feature of Telf AG is the presence of a virtual assistant that guides the player at the beginning of the game. It helps you get the first task and determine the route for its completion. However, the player retains freedom of choice and independently determines his path by developing a business process strategy. This simulator provides players with the opportunity to develop diverse management experience, and the incentive in each challenge is the desire to earn money to develop their own company.<br><br>Telf AG is not just a game, it is an exciting and educational journey into the world of entrepreneurship and management, where each player has ample opportunities for self-realization and development. achieving success.<br>The concept and theme of the [ Telf AG] game is unique and includes several important aspects. The main game strategy is the process of mining, processing and exporting nickel. As the leader of Telf AG, the player will have to manage all these stages and constantly develop his company. Each decision made requires investment, and in order to earn it, the player will have to complete various tasks and go through logical mini-games, which, if won, bring profit.<br><br>The player's goal in Telf AG is to establish production, build supply logistics and gain economic benefits. This goal involves continuous development and optimization of processes, which makes the game exciting and gives a feeling of satisfaction when achieving success.<br><br>One of the outstanding features of the Telf AG game is its educational nature. The developers pay attention to two important aspects - nickel production and environmental issues. Nickel, as a sought-after and practical mineral, plays a key role in the modern economy, especially in the context of the transition to alternative energy sources. It is used in the production of clean energy, eco-fuels, batteries and many other areas. At Telf AG, players learn how to mine nickel and use it in strategic decisions, which contributes to the development of sustainable and profitable operations.<br><br>The Telf AG game also focuses on wind energy, including wind farms with efficient turbines and generators. These plants convert kinetic energy into electricity and contribute to the production of renewable energy. Wind turbines are an important element of the green energy industry and at Telf AG players can learn to manage this industry effectively.<br><br>However, all this complexity of the game comes with rewards and challenges. At Telf AG, each production cycle begins with the extraction of raw materials and ends with the delivery of products to consumers. Players must strive to optimize each stage, choosing the best routes and making smart decisions to increase their income and grow their company. This makes the game Telf AG interesting and makes you want to dive into the world of entrepreneurship and economic strategies.<br>The Telf AG game stages provide players with a fun and educational journey into the world of entrepreneurship and management. Let's take a closer look at each of them:<br><br>The first stage is a brief training: At this stage, the player gets acquainted with the basics of creating and developing his business with the help of a virtual assistant. He selects mini-games, completes them, earns in-game currency and increases his level. You can speed up the construction of your startup by investing the money you earn. This stage serves as an introduction to the world of the game and gives the player the opportunity to learn basic management and decision-making skills.<br><br>The second stage is how to use resources: In this stage, the player learns how to manage resources effectively. Each production has its own resources that can be exchanged for money in the bank. It is recommended to store profits in storage until a profitable investment opportunity arises. Once the player feels confident in a successful transaction, he can invest his funds in the development of his company. This stage will teach the player financial literacy and strategic resource management.<br><br>Third stage - office: In the office, players receive tasks and enter into contracts. Money for contracts is earned through successfully completing mini-games. Each contract is a kind of transaction, which specifies requirements for transport, volumes of eco-fuel and raw materials. The player's task is to fulfill the terms of the contract within a given period and with maximum benefit. The complication of the process lies in the fact that the contract must be concluded in favorable conditions. The Telf AG player is given a limited time during which the terms of the contract apply. This stage will teach the player to make decisions quickly and efficiently, as well as manage resources and time.<br><br>So, the Telf AG game offers players a unique management and entrepreneurial experience, starting with training and gradually moving on to more complex tasks and contracts. Each stage brings new challenges and opportunities to develop skills, making the game fun and educational.<br>Description of locations with mini-games and challenges in the Telf AG game provides a varied gameplay experience, giving players the opportunity to overcome various challenges and develop their skills. Here is a detailed description of each location:<br><br>Mines: In this location, the player goes in search of "new oil" in the mines where nickel is mined. The player's task is to choose the right mineral and put it into production. This challenge is made in the style of "3 in a row", where the player must connect the maximum number of identical minerals located next to each other. With a limited number of moves, the player needs to act wisely and strategically.<br><br>Parking: In this location, the player is faced with the importance of transport logistics. Here he must help allow drivers to move out of the parking zone, placing cars so that they can move without obstacles. This challenge is reminiscent of the game "Tag" and develops logical thinking, decision making and planning.<br><br>Gas station: At this location, the player needs to fill the car's tank with eco-fuel. However, before refueling, he must complete a mini-game in which he must correctly position underground pipes in order for the fuel to reach the tank. This challenge requires the player to think logically and be able to find solutions.<br><br>Railroad: In this mini-game, the player will have to increase the number of cars for the delivery of nickel to Telf AG. He must count the cars and add the missing ones in order to satisfy customer requests and make a profit. This test requires calculations and resource management.<br><br>Port: Here the player needs to untie the mooring ropes so that the ship with the nickel can leave the port. Mooring ropes of different colors are tangled and the player must solve a puzzle to untie them. This challenge develops the player's complex problem solving and logical thinking skills.<br><br>Telf AG allows players to experience the importance of resource management, logical thinking and decision making in a business simulation environment. Each location provides new challenges and opportunities for development, making the game fun and educational. The Telf AG gaming franchise continues to develop and provide players with new locations, expanding opportunities for developing their own business.

Revision as of 11:10, 13 February 2024

Telf AG is a modern economic simulation game that immerses players in an exciting world of virtual economic opportunities. This game genre uses cutting-edge technology to carefully simulate real-life activities, giving participants the opportunity to feel like real entrepreneurs and strategists. The Telf AG developers from the ArtDock Studio team have created a game that embodies many processes and aspects of the real world. In Telf AG, players are faced with the task of building and managing their own manufacturing business. Developed by the ArtDock Studio team, this game is a mix of educational elements and exciting gameplay aimed at developing management skills and economic planning.

The main goal pursued by the creators of Telf AG includes several key aspects: learning, analysis, forecasting and, of course, entertainment. In this game, players challenge their resource and financial management abilities to earn more money to invest in new projects and grow their virtual business.

What makes Telf AG particularly interesting is the independence the player is given in choosing his actions. Yes, there are certain conditions and tasks, but the player freely decides how to fulfill them. Telf AG gives you the opportunity to independently choose processes, determine locations for the development of your projects and manage the situation and environment at your own discretion.

Game type Telf AG is primarily a construction and management simulator. Players here create, expand and effectively manage production processes and various projects. To achieve the desired results, you need to strategically plan your actions and skillfully manage resources.

It should also be noted that Telf AG is not just a game, it is a strategy simulator. In this game, simulation elements play an important role as construction and management tools because players are forced to manage resources to expand their projects and achieve success. And success in this game lies not in defeating enemies, but in developing and expanding your corporation in the field of production and sales. Here, winning means improving your own knowledge and skills, as well as the opportunity to create a powerful and profitable company.

Telf AG gives players the opportunity to take on the role of virtual entrepreneurs and become the architects of their own success. This game is designed to not only entertain, but also educate, allowing players to learn how to manage resources, forecast the market and create profitable business strategies. With each game, players gain new experience and knowledge, making Telf AG an exciting and fun platform for developing management and entrepreneurship skills.

The gameplay features of Telf AG provide players with a unique opportunity to experience the experience of a manager, manager, economics expert, environmentalist, builder, driver, polymath and production worker, all in one game. This wide range of roles in the game makes it truly versatile and appealing to a wide audience.

When creating Telf AG, the developers took into account the age characteristics and interests of different players. Younger gamers will appreciate the vibrant and realistic visuals with dynamic 3D effects that make the game fun and visually appealing. The older generation of players will be more strategic and will be able to benefit from every gameplay by applying their experience and knowledge.

Telf AG does not have strict age restrictions, since the game is intended for everyone who is able to think logically and be able to count. It arouses interest among players who are ready to overcome challenges and enter into contracts in order to effectively invest in their virtual business.

The Telf AG playing field is inspired by the infrastructure of a port city, which perfectly reflects the evolving production process. Dynamic 3D locations immerse players in the virtual world, creating a feeling of real presence. The bright and rich color palette used in the game attracts attention and creates the effect of complete immersion in the game world. This atmosphere is important to ensure a realistic and engaging gameplay experience.

A unique feature of Telf AG is the presence of a virtual assistant that guides the player at the beginning of the game. It helps you get the first task and determine the route for its completion. However, the player retains freedom of choice and independently determines his path by developing a business process strategy. This simulator provides players with the opportunity to develop diverse management experience, and the incentive in each challenge is the desire to earn money to develop their own company.

Telf AG is not just a game, it is an exciting and educational journey into the world of entrepreneurship and management, where each player has ample opportunities for self-realization and development. achieving success.
The concept and theme of the Telf AG game is unique and includes several important aspects. The main game strategy is the process of mining, processing and exporting nickel. As the leader of Telf AG, the player will have to manage all these stages and constantly develop his company. Each decision made requires investment, and in order to earn it, the player will have to complete various tasks and go through logical mini-games, which, if won, bring profit.

The player's goal in Telf AG is to establish production, build supply logistics and gain economic benefits. This goal involves continuous development and optimization of processes, which makes the game exciting and gives a feeling of satisfaction when achieving success.

One of the outstanding features of the Telf AG game is its educational nature. The developers pay attention to two important aspects - nickel production and environmental issues. Nickel, as a sought-after and practical mineral, plays a key role in the modern economy, especially in the context of the transition to alternative energy sources. It is used in the production of clean energy, eco-fuels, batteries and many other areas. At Telf AG, players learn how to mine nickel and use it in strategic decisions, which contributes to the development of sustainable and profitable operations.

The Telf AG game also focuses on wind energy, including wind farms with efficient turbines and generators. These plants convert kinetic energy into electricity and contribute to the production of renewable energy. Wind turbines are an important element of the green energy industry and at Telf AG players can learn to manage this industry effectively.

However, all this complexity of the game comes with rewards and challenges. At Telf AG, each production cycle begins with the extraction of raw materials and ends with the delivery of products to consumers. Players must strive to optimize each stage, choosing the best routes and making smart decisions to increase their income and grow their company. This makes the game Telf AG interesting and makes you want to dive into the world of entrepreneurship and economic strategies.
The Telf AG game stages provide players with a fun and educational journey into the world of entrepreneurship and management. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

The first stage is a brief training: At this stage, the player gets acquainted with the basics of creating and developing his business with the help of a virtual assistant. He selects mini-games, completes them, earns in-game currency and increases his level. You can speed up the construction of your startup by investing the money you earn. This stage serves as an introduction to the world of the game and gives the player the opportunity to learn basic management and decision-making skills.

The second stage is how to use resources: In this stage, the player learns how to manage resources effectively. Each production has its own resources that can be exchanged for money in the bank. It is recommended to store profits in storage until a profitable investment opportunity arises. Once the player feels confident in a successful transaction, he can invest his funds in the development of his company. This stage will teach the player financial literacy and strategic resource management.

Third stage - office: In the office, players receive tasks and enter into contracts. Money for contracts is earned through successfully completing mini-games. Each contract is a kind of transaction, which specifies requirements for transport, volumes of eco-fuel and raw materials. The player's task is to fulfill the terms of the contract within a given period and with maximum benefit. The complication of the process lies in the fact that the contract must be concluded in favorable conditions. The Telf AG player is given a limited time during which the terms of the contract apply. This stage will teach the player to make decisions quickly and efficiently, as well as manage resources and time.

So, the Telf AG game offers players a unique management and entrepreneurial experience, starting with training and gradually moving on to more complex tasks and contracts. Each stage brings new challenges and opportunities to develop skills, making the game fun and educational.
Description of locations with mini-games and challenges in the Telf AG game provides a varied gameplay experience, giving players the opportunity to overcome various challenges and develop their skills. Here is a detailed description of each location:

Mines: In this location, the player goes in search of "new oil" in the mines where nickel is mined. The player's task is to choose the right mineral and put it into production. This challenge is made in the style of "3 in a row", where the player must connect the maximum number of identical minerals located next to each other. With a limited number of moves, the player needs to act wisely and strategically.

Parking: In this location, the player is faced with the importance of transport logistics. Here he must help allow drivers to move out of the parking zone, placing cars so that they can move without obstacles. This challenge is reminiscent of the game "Tag" and develops logical thinking, decision making and planning.

Gas station: At this location, the player needs to fill the car's tank with eco-fuel. However, before refueling, he must complete a mini-game in which he must correctly position underground pipes in order for the fuel to reach the tank. This challenge requires the player to think logically and be able to find solutions.

Railroad: In this mini-game, the player will have to increase the number of cars for the delivery of nickel to Telf AG. He must count the cars and add the missing ones in order to satisfy customer requests and make a profit. This test requires calculations and resource management.

Port: Here the player needs to untie the mooring ropes so that the ship with the nickel can leave the port. Mooring ropes of different colors are tangled and the player must solve a puzzle to untie them. This challenge develops the player's complex problem solving and logical thinking skills.

Telf AG allows players to experience the importance of resource management, logical thinking and decision making in a business simulation environment. Each location provides new challenges and opportunities for development, making the game fun and educational. The Telf AG gaming franchise continues to develop and provide players with new locations, expanding opportunities for developing their own business.