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M. KNOEDLER & CO., 556-558 Fifth Ave., New York.

February 1, 1912.

Mr. F. W. McElroy, Frick Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Dear Mr. McElroy:-

Mr. Frick has been thinking for sometime of utilizing the Marble-Room back of the Dining-Room, and to the left of the Gallery, to hang his barbizon pictures, which he thinks will look better apart from his other pictures.

With this end in view, he has instructed me to have the room properly fixed to take them, and I took Mr. Hastings and Mr. Colby there for the purpose of getting suggestions.

All we intend to do is to put sheathing around the room to hang stuff on to make a background for the pictures. This will in no way interfere with reinstating the room as it now is.

Mr. Hastings left his signature with Holroyd, and if you will advise Holroyd to admit any one bearing his signature, we will be able to go on with the work. It does not amount to much; the principal trouble is arriving at the best thing to be done in order not to incur any special expense.

I enclose you a catalogue of the Exhibition. The pictures borrowed from Mr. Frick were, -

Constable, "Salisbury Cathedral," Lawrence, "Lady Peel," Reynolds, "Lady Skipwith," Romney, "Portrait of Henrietta, Countess of Warwick and her Two Children," Turner, "Antwerp: Van Goyen Looking for a Subject," Turner, "Mortlake Terrace, Early Summer Morning," Cappelle, "Harbor of Amsterdam with a Man-of-War, a State Barge and Boats," Cuyp, "River Scene with a Barge full of Passengers," Hals, "Portrait of a Woman," Hobbema, "Landscape with Building and Figures," Van Ostade, "The Halt at the Inn," Velasquez, "Portrait of Philip IV of Spain," Ver Meer, "The Soldier and Laughing Girl,"

and they have all been returned and re-hung in his Gallery.

We also got the Greco, which has been shipped to the Exhibition at Toledo, and the Rembrandt, which Dr. de Wild, our Restorer, is putting in order.

Mr. Frick has also instructed us to ship to the Copley Society of Boston, this month, the Greco now at Toledo and his Murillo.

Very truly yours ,

C. S. Carstairs. (Signed)

In pencil, lower right corner of page [HC.316.037]

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