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JAN VERMEER OF DELFT (1632-1675) THE SOLDIER AND THE LAUGHING GIRL Canvas, 18 inches by 19 7/8 inches

IN the left-hand corner of the room a soldier and a girl sit conversing at a table with a blue cover. The soldier is in shadow in the left foreground and is seen in profile; he wears a large black clouch hat with a red ribbon and a red coat with a bandolier, and rests his right hand on his hip. The girl sits more to the right and farther back; she wears a white cap, a black and yellow bodice and a blue skirt. In her right hand she holds a wine glass; her left hand rests on the table. To the left is a window with one casement open. On the wall hangs a map of Holland and West Friesland.

Referred to by Burger in an article on "Van der Meer de Delft," published in the Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1866. Engraved by Jules Jacquemart. Reproduced in de Groot's portfolio, plate 27. Reproduced in Grafton Gallery Catalogue, 1909-1910. Mentioned in Harvard's list, No. 7. Mentioned in Bryan's Dictionary, Vol. V., p. 289. Mentioned in C. Hofstede de Groot. Mentioned in Van Zype's book on this artist. Mentioned in the Gazette de Beaux Arts, 1866, Vol. XXI. Mentioned in The Outlook, March, 1910, p. 485. Mentioned in Burlington Magazine, December, 1910. Exhibited at Champs Elysees, Paris, No. 107. Exhibited at Grafton Gallery, 1909-10. Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1900, No. 18. Exhibited at the Old Master Exhibition, Knoedler& Co. Sale, Amsterdam, May 16, 1696, No. II (44 florins). Collection of Leopold Double, 1866. Collection of Mrs. Samuel S. Joseph, London.