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Red envelope for purchase of Van Dyck’s “Paola Adorno,” 1914

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H.C. FRICK PAINTINGS, ETC. No. 210 Red Book Folio 124. ARTIST Van Dyck Title Paola Adorno Invoice B.B. 2 Folio 79 [asterisk] Vouchers no. 3689-3692 and 3708 Letters [begin insertion] and cables [end insertion from F.W.McE. to E.R. Bacon. F.W.McE. to Mr. Frick. E.R. Bacon to Mr. Frick. Frank & DuBois to E.R. Bacon. Alfred to Duke of Abercorn Various receipts for insurance, etc. Remarks [asterisk] E.R. Bacon's statement. No. bill for painting. OTHER PAINTINGS MENTIONED ARTIST Velasquez - TITLE

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