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Clipping, “H.C. Frick’s Latest Art Purchase,” 25 March 1914

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PITTSBURGH DISPATCH MAR 25 1914 3/25/14 H.C. Frick's Latest Art Purchase [image of Van Dyck's "Genoese Noblewoman" in black and white] The Illustrated London News publishes this reproduction of a photograph by Rischgitz of the $350,000 portrait of Paola Adorno, Marchesa di Brignola-Sala, painted by Vandyck, and which is reported to have been sold recently, from the collection of the Duke of Abercorn to Henry C. Frick of Pittsburg and New York, for the sum named. It is one of the world-famous old masters, measuring 90 inches by 60 inches, and showing the Marchesa in a white dress heavily embroidered with gold, with a gray ruff. It is one of three portraits painted by Vandyck at Genoa, one showing the Marchesa with her son, which for a long time hung in the gallery at Warwick Castle, now being in the P.A.B. Widener collection at Philadelphia.

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