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Letter from F.W. [McElroy] to [H.C.] Frick 14 February 1914

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[begin blue stamp] OFFICE OF H.C. FRICK RECEIVED FEB 17 1914 FORWARDED_____ REFERRED_____ ANSWERED_____ [end blue stamp] February 14th, 1914. Mr. Frick:- Received yours enclosing various maters. Enclose herewith mail and cash statement. Referring to the statement and vouchers submitted by Mr. E.R. Bacon:- I notice in his list of enclosures he says "Am. Ex. Co. Receipts (to be returned to me.)" The papers her refers to cover the shipment of Velasquez in bond to London, costing $1,000.00. [begin insertion x - yes F. [end insertion] Would you like me to return to Mr. Bacon the papers he asks for? To harmonize with our way of keeping the paintings account, it would be nice to know how much of these expenses to charge to the painting you kept, [begin insertion] all F --- Noted L.R.T. [end insertion] and how much to charge merely to "Expense", but perhaps it is not important to have this exactly, and we will make the distribution as best we can. Weather wintry; considerable snow fell last night. Atmosphere clear. Respectfully, F.W.Mc.E. x Perhaps you get back the Expenses on the Velasquez? Don't think so F.

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