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Letter from Frank & DuBois to E.R. Bacon, 5 February 1914

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Cable Address "DUBOIS" NEW YORK. Telephone JOHN 4387. Office of Frank & Du Bois, Fire, Marine & Railroad Insurance, Liability Insurance. 80 MAIDEN LANE EMIL H. FRANK. CORNELIUS DU BOIS. CORNELIUS D. DU BOIS. GEORGE S. FRANK. ERNEST B. BOYD. FLOYD R. DU BOIS. New York, Feb. 5th, 1914. IN REPLY PLESAE REFER TO F.R.D.B. E.R. Bacon, Esq., 2 Wall Street, New York City. Dear Sir:- We enclose the insurance certificate you ordered from the writer this afternoon, together with bill for $297. [checkmark] premium. The writer is sure that this is the best insurance that can be obtained today. Yours truly, Frank & Du Bois

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