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Cable from “Alfred” to the Duke of Abercorn, 5 February 1914 [back]

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THE COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY OFFICES IN NEW YORK : COMMERCIAL CABLE BUILDING, 20 BROAD STREET (Principal Office. Always Open ) -TELEPHONE, RECTOR 380 Stock Exchange...Telephone, Rector 380 Cotton Exchange...Telephone, Rector 380 16 Beaver Street...Telephone, Broad 427 Postal Telegraph Building...Tel. Barclay 6700 180 William St. cor. Spruce St....Tel. Beekman 4416 and 5567 442 Broome Street...Tel. Spring 1108 944 Broadway...Tel. Gramercy 2291 "Herald" Building...Tel. Greeley 3025 OFFICES IN BOSTON : 112 STATE STREET...TEL. MAIN 728 AND FORTHILL 2910 155 FEDERAL STREET...TEL. MAIN 728 AND FORTHILL 2910 OFFICE IN HALIFAX : 108 GRANVILLE STREET...TEL. 626 CABLEGRAMS FOR TRANSMISSION BY COMMERCIAL, COMMERCIAL PACIFIC, GERMAN ATLANTIC, HALIFAX & BERMUDAS, DIRECT WEST INDIA, NEWFOUNDLAND AND COMMERCIAL OF CUBA CABLES ARE ACCEPTED AT ALL POSTAL TELEGRAPH AND CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TELEGRAPH OFFICES. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. THE COMMERCIAL CABLE COMPANY may decline to forward any message, though it has been accepted for transmission, but in case of so doing shall refund to the sender the amount paid for its transmission. THIS COMPANY WILL NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY IN RESPECT TO ANY MESSAGE BEYOND THE TERMINUS OF ITS OWN LINES. To guard against mistakes or delays the sender of a message should WRITE IT LEGIBLY and order it REPEATED; that is, telegraphed back to the sending station for comparison. For such repeating, an additional charge of one-quarter the regular rate will be made. It is agreed between the sender of the message on the face hereof and this Company, that said Company shall not be liable for mistakes or delays in transmission or delivery, or for non-delivery, or mis-delivery, of any unrepeated message beyond the amount of that portion of the charge which may or shall accrue to this Company out of the amount received from the sender for this, and the other companies, by whose lines such message may pass to reach its destination: and that this Company shall not be liable for mistakes in the transmission or delivery, or for non-delivery, or mis-delivery, of any repeated message beyond fifty times the extra sum received by this Company from the sender for repeating such message over its own lines. This Company is hereby made the agent of the sender without liability to forward any message by the lines of any other company to reach its destination. This Company shall not be responsible for messages until they are presented and accepted at one of its transmitting offices; if a message be sent to such office by one of the Company's messengers, the messenger acts for that purpose as the agent of the sender; if by telephone, the person receiving the message acts therein as the agent of the sender, and is authorized to assent to these conditions on behalf of the sender. This Company shall not be liable in any case where the claim is not presented in writing within sixty days after the filing of the message. This Company shall not be liable in any case for delays arising from interruptions to the working of its lines, nor for errors in cipher or obscure messages. In any event this Company shall not be held liable for any loss or damage, or for delay or detention, or errors, caused by storms or the action of the elements, or other acts of God, or by civil or military authority, or by insurrections, riots, rebellions, or dangers incident to the time of war, or by the unlawful acts of individuals. This is an UNREPEATED message, and is transmitted and delivered by request of the sender under the conditions named above. No employé of this Company is authorized to vary the foregoing. CLARENCE H. MACKAY, PRESIDENT. GEO. G. WARD, VICE-PRESIDENT AND GEN'L MANAGER. ALBERT BECK, SECRETARY. SENDER'S NAME E. R. Bacon, ADDRESS No. 2 Wall St.

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