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Description of Gainsborough's "Hon. Frances Duncombe," 16 June 1911 [page 1 of 5]

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THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R. A. The Hon, Frances Duncombe

Only daughter of Anthony Duncombe, Baron Feversham by his second wife Frances, daughter of Peter Bathurst of Clarendon Park, Wilts, born 12 Nov, 1757 (her mother died nine days afterwards) married in or about the year 11778 John eldest son of Edward Bowater, from the fact that his wife's marriage settlement was executed (30-31 July 1778) after their marriage it seems probably that their wedding was clandestine, (see "Miscellanea Geneslogica et Heraldica" new series ii, 177). The marriage must have been an unhappy one, for a letter dated 5 Nov, 1806 from Mr. Bowater to the second Earl of Radnor shows that in spite of his Wife's considerable fortune, he was them in the Fleet Prison for a debt of $600 they must have been together at this time for Mrs. Bowater added a postscript to her husbands letter, but she is not mentioned in his will which is dated 10th August 1809. Mr. Bowater, who had a residence in the Edgware Road, near London, died at Ramsgate, 22 June 1810, (Mrs. Bowater died at her seat, Old Dalby, Leicestershire, 29 July, 1827. They had no children.

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