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Letter from John W. Beatty to H.C. Frick, 21 December 1910 [page 1 of 2]

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vertical text in red ink: The Book folio 37 "The Potato Field" by ? ?. Beatty

handwritten: Telephone him, he can have it and ? the house + phoned ? also wrote Mary

Richard Lane

Mr. H. C. Frick, 111, Broadway, New York City, New York.

Dear Mr. Frick: The Art Society of Pittsburgh desires to present, soon after the holidays, a group of my paintings at an Art Society reception, and to include in the group the painting entitled "Plymouth Hills", which was recently purchased for the National Gallery of Art at Washington.

I have promised to cooperate with the Society, and to ask you to lend to the Society the painting which you own, entitled "The Potato Field". The painting will not be retained long, but it is probably the Art Society will desire to retain it for about one week beyond the evening of the reception. [end of page]

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