Catalog of Portraits, 1909-1911, 1929 [page 123]

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heading in green ink: Criticisms of the Portrait.

symbol in green ink: Ŧ Nothing here has a more unaffected distinction than the superb full-length 'Lady Milnes' in which Romney shows an unusual richness of colour, derived doubtless from the example of Sir Joshua..... symbol in green ink Ŧ The large full-length of 'Lady Milnes' is the ideal Romney of the more popular type. Those whose cult is that of outward beauty, + who busy themselves little about the absence[?] of the being enshrined within so fair an envelope will be delighted with this picture. The composition is of a studied and well balanced harmony, the face is of unimpeachable fairness. The master has painted the shining

symbol in green ink: Ŧ The Daily Telegraph - 1904


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