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Letter from Sara Ely Parsons to Henry C. Frick, 11 April 1918

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THE ELY SCHOOL Ely Court Greenwich Conn April 11, 1918. Mr. Henry C. Frick, Fifth Ave & 70th Street New York City,

My dear Mr. Frick: Last May you very graciously invited our senior class to visit your gallery, and all through the year we have heard expressions of the pleasure that visit gave them. I am writing to ask if you would like to kindly extend the same invitation to the class of this year. Our class numbers twenty-three girls, and we would send two teachers with them, so the party would be twenty-five person. We would send them down to New York by automobile, going directly to your house on any Saturday in April or May that you would name except the Saturday of the horse show. We will plan to have them reach you at the precious moment at which it will be convenient for you to have your gallery open and leave as promptly, so we shall not trespass upon you beyond the limit of the hours you may name. The faculty of this school feel that we are asking a great favor in making this request. The Ely School is a boarding school only, its pupils coming from all over the country, and we feel that in this their senior year we cannot do more for them than to attempt to give them the opportunity of seeing your art treasure, which are so famous, and of which everyone over the country has heard. Last year Miss Williams entertained the class in your behalf, and I hope she expressed to you our appreciation of the pleasure the visit gave, and that she will intercede with you for the senior class of this year. Very sincerely yours, Sara Ely Parson SEP/ER

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