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Directory of the New York Browning Society, Tenth Season, 1916-1917 [page 5 of 23]

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Elizabeth Barrett Browning Fund Dr. Lillian C. Randall, Chairman

Program Mrs. John Holley Clark, Chairman Mrs. Marta Foote Crow Mrs. Mae F. Gillam Mrs. John A. Lefferts Mrs. John Harper Bonnell Mrs. John Quincy Adams Mrs. J. Douglas Walton Miss Ella E. Wager

Audit Mrs. Nathaniel Brandon, Chairman

Hospitality Chairman Mrs. Orlando N. Dana Mrs. Charles A. Terry Mrs. Douglas Fenwick Mrs. Walter E. Woodford Mrs. Andrew Findlay Mrs. Archibald C. Fisk Mrs. Emory B. Lease Mrs. William L. Voigt Mrs. Mark C. Meagher

House Mrs. Elizabeth L. Lathrop, Chairman

Notices All Regular Meetings are called to order the second Wednesday of each month. Business, 2 p.m. Program, 2.30. Social hour, 4.30. Members are privileged to have guests at all Regular Meetings, the same guest to be allowed only twice during season. Guest Cards (25 cents each) may be bought by members at the door or they will be sent by mail upon application to the Treasurer. They must be filled out and signed by the member issuing same and presented at door by the guest. The Study Class meets first Wednesday at 2.30pm. at the homes of members. The name and address of Hostess will be announced each month in the Bulletin. All members of the Society have the privilege of attending this class without further notice. Extra copies of Year Book can be obtained from Corresponding Secretary. 25 cents each. Club Pins in charge of Treasurer. Price, $3.50, Each member much show Membership Card or give name at door each morning. Speakers from the floor are limited to three minutes. All paper other than the principal addresses, are limited to ten minutes. The time-limit for one principal speaker is thirty to forty minutes. If two principal speakers appear on same program, each one shall be limited to twenty minutes. If three, the time-limit shall be fifteen minutes for each speaker. The Program is limited to one hour and a half. A Time-keeper will be on platform at each meetings.

Membership Clause "The name and address of each candidate for membership shall be proposed by one and vouched for by two other members of this Society, who will be asked for letters of recommendation, and presented by the Corresponding Secretary to the Governing Board, which shall have power to elect."

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