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Receipt from T.D. Downing & Co. to E.R. Bacon, 2 February 1914

Revision as of Aug 14, 2021, 4:24:28 AM, edited by Frickarchives

5M 8 13 TELEPHONE, 8345 RECTOR CABLE ADDRESS TEDEDO NEW YORK, FEB 24 - 1914 191 Mr. E.R .Bacon 1 Wall St., N.Y. 15/33 To T.D. DOWNING & CO., Dr. Customs Brokers and Merchandise Forwarders 1 BROADWAY PARIS OFFICE: 6 FAUB'G POISSONIERE BOSTON OFFICE 131 STATE STREET Marks & Nos. W [in square] 1/2 FOR DUTIES AND CHARGES ON 2 Packages, ex. Caledonia Duties $583006 free 195 @ 15% 29.25 cards & seals .10 Bonds for Owner's Declaration Ocean Freight Foreign Reimbursement Charges Labor and Storage Entry, Custom House Bonds, etc. & special services 25.00 Cartage Forwarding Commission $54.35 [checkmark] [begin purple stamp] Receipt & Return to No. 2 Wall Street [end purple stamp] PAYABLE ON PRESENTATION E.E. [begin blue stamp] APPROVED, E.R.B. [end blue stamp] [begin purple stamp] PAID Feb 5 1914 T.D. Downing & Co. [signature?] [end purple stamp]