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Copy of a letter from [H.C. Frick] to W. Roberts, 27 June 1911 [front]

Revision as of Feb 2, 2021, 6:08:06 PM, created by Padarat

June 27, 1911. Mr. W. Roberts, 16 King's Avenue, Clapham Park, London, S.W. England.

Dear Sir: I have to thank you for yours of the 16th. I am quite willing to pay you a fee of Twenty Pounds, which I enclose herewith. Please send me the work of yourself and Mr. Humphrey Ward on Romney portraits, also a bill for same. Did Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan at one time own the Gainsborough, and of so, do you know why he parted with it> Your account of the Romney states that at one time it was in a very dilapidated condition; so far as you know, was its condition at that time so bad that it had to be repainted in any part? Please give me all the particulars you can and address me at Prides Crossing, Massachusetts. Yours very truly,