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Description of Gainsborough's "Hon. Frances Duncombe," 16 June 1911 [page 2 of 5]

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Whole length, standing in a landscape and directed to right, head turned and looking to the left, in blueish-white satin underdress, with bodies cut low, "panier" and train of light blue material edged with pearls, bodies trimmed with white lace collar and thickly garnished with white pearls, brooch with sapphire centerpiece at top of corsage; lightly powdered hair dressed high and falling on neck i curls, hair bound with pearls, holding in right hand a large felt hat with narrow high crown trimmed with a bunch of feathers, left hand holding dress and string of pearls, to right tree with ivy trailing alone its truck, high stone wall with statue to left, trace and distant landscape. Canvas 91 in. 59 in. Painted about 1774. Collection: Early of Chesterfield, 1871. Baron Lionel de Rothschild, 1872.