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Letter from Henry J. Duveen to Henry C. Frick, 1 November 1909 [front]

Revision as of Jan 4, 2021, 6:23:48 PM, created by Corihutchinson

HJD. Henry J. Duveen Monogram

302 Fifth Avenue. New York, November 1st, 1909.

Henry C. Frick Esq., 640 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

Mr dear Sir, I have much pleasure in informing you, that I have this morning received cabled information from our London House, to the effect that they are mailing the history of the Reynolds picture which you recently purchased, ex the Kann Collection, on Wednesday next, and immediately upon receipt of same, it shall be sent to you. I understand that they have been fortunate enough to secure the full pedigree of the picture, from the date of its production, until the present time. I have a number of interesting things which I should very much like to show you, but we have had considerable difficulty in getting things through the Custom House, hence the reason of your not hearing from me before this. With my kindest regards, believe me, Very truly yours, signed: H. J Duveen esq.