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Letter from Roland F. Knoedler to Henry Clay Frick, 26 February 1898

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[begin page 2 of 2] (Dana) was not a desirable work either though fairly good. "The Turkey Herder" (Dana) Schaus bought, I understand, for Senator C. S. Brice. I will not say anything about the early English pictures in the Fuller collection, as I do not think that any one of them ought to have been bought by a person wishing first class examples. I bought the Dupre "Le Cours d'Eau". It is not a work of the best quality but a very attractive subject. "Evening on the Marne" Daubigny was fairly paid for at $5000.- as the period was not a good one. "Cattle Drinking" Dupre was an artistic broadly painted picture. "The Cliff at Villerville" Daubigny was very sketchy but artistic. "Marais dans les Landes" Rousseau was reasonable at $7600.- "The Open Sea, Marine" Dupre was not worth anything like $7600.- "Apple Blossoms" Daubigny, was a very attractive picture, fair quality but uninteresting subject. "Cows in the Pasture" Troyon was cheap for a person wanting a large painting by this artist but it was not a desirable acquisition for a person who was in search of quality instead of quantity.

I hope to have a marked catalogue of the Stewart Collection for you this evening, but, should you not receive it, do not think that I am forgetting you.

Hoping that Mrs. Frick has entirely recovered, believe me, Yours very truly, Roland F. Knoedler

P. S. Charlie says he knows Berckmans & his wife & that they are not rich - he must have bought the paintings for some one else. [end page 2 of 2]