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Translation of Letter from Jules Breton to Frick, 21 November 1895

Revision as of Jul 13, 2017, 5:03:13 PM, edited by Scrapivist


Dear Mr. Frick:

Both Mrs. Breton and myself remember with great pleasure your too short visit at Courrieres.

We often speak of you and congratulate ourselves that my painting, "The Last Gleanings", has become the property of an amateur of your merit.

This painting, one of my preferred ones, expresses a feeling I have frequently felt before the majestic simplicity and beauty of our rustic scenes, when bathed in the last rays of the sun. Those daughters of our fields seem then to be transfigured, the reflections of the heavens giving the, he semblance of being surrounded by a natural halo.

This is the hour that always moved me most, and which I have all my life tried to express. I believe I have never succeeded better than in your painting.

Awaiting the pleasure of seeing you again, I beg of you, dear Mr. Frick, to receive from both Mrs. Breton and myself the assurance of our best wishes and the expression of our warmest sympathies.

(Signed) Jules Breton.

Courrieres, 21 November, 1895.

In pencil, lower right corner of page [129]