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Letter from Robert W. De Forest to Henry C. Frick, 6 December 1918

Revision as of Jun 12, 2020, 6:01:54 PM, created by Padarat

12/7 Exept Tuesdays ROBERT W. DE FOREST 30 BROAD STREET December 6, 1918.

Dear Mr. Frick:-

A Boston lady friend of mine, Mrs. Henry Parkman, is to be in town next week. I am anxious to arrange, if possible, so that I may bring her, and possible some friend or fiends who may be with her, to see your pictures, either Tuesday afternoon of next week or possible some day later in the week if she is going to stay over. If it be consistent with your visiting rules may I have a word or a card which on presentation to your butler will secure entrance? This is not intended to burden you personally with any other degree of hospitality.

Sincerely, (??) Mr. Henry C. Frick, 5th Avenue & 70th Street, New York,