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Letter from Norrie Sellar to H.C. Frick, 16 April 1918

Revision as of Jun 15, 2020, 5:34:47 AM, created by Padarat

THIRTY-EIGHT WALL STREET NEW YORK April 16, 1918. H.C. Frick, Esq, New York City.

My dear Mr. Frick: I shall be very grateful if you will allow Mrs. L. B. Sanderson and Lieut. Lycett Green to look over your house. Mrs. Sanderson is the wife of Mr. L. B. Sanderson of the Royal Mail Steamship Co. His brother is Harold Sanderson, head of the White Star Line in Liverpool. Lieut. Green has been badly wounded, in fact I think he has lost a leg. He is leaving New York in a few days, and is very anxious to look over your treasures. To save time, and to save you trouble I have given Mrs. Sanderson a letter, copy of which I enclosed. My thanks in advance, Yours sincerely, Norrie Sellar