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Letter from Janet Orem Van Buskirk to [H.C.] Frick, 12 March 1918 [page 2 of 2]

Revision as of Jun 9, 2020, 4:51:34 PM, created by EugenieFortier

to Ohio to my Grandfather, and I have never returned to the smoky city. I have been an artist in N. Y. almost 7 years. She, my mother who always loved the "City of Pittsburg" was buried yesterday beside her soldier at Mansfield Ohio - - "A loyal woman of the Civil War." --- And so it is that I want to see some beauty and something that connects into the old days. And if it is agreeable to you I will come to your house this week, at whatever time you say. Most sincerely, (Mrs) Janet Orem Van Buskirk

1947 Broadway Studio 500

March 12, 1918.