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Letter from John Grier Hibben to Henry C. Frick, 4 March 1918

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PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Princeton N.J President's Room March 4, 1918.

My dear Mr. Frick: May I trouble you to give me a card of admission to your gallery for some friends of mine who are in New York, the Misses Peck, three of them, and their friend Miss Dyert? They have been much in Europe and know the galleries there thoroughly and would be most appreciative of this privilege. If the card is sent to me I will send it to them in New York. Any day that is convenient to you at the end of this week or the beginning of next week would be satisfactory to them I am sure. I have returned from a trip to the west having visited a number of alumni centres. At our Princeton dinner in Pittsburgh we ad with us Dr. John Brashear. I had a very interesting talk with him about the work which you have made possible for the teachers of Pittsburgh. Several years ago we gave him an honorary degree and he has always regarded himself as on of the sons of Princeton. With warmest regards, Faithfully yours, John Grier Hibben To- Henry C. Frick, Esq, New York City.