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Copy of a letter from [Henry Clay Frick] to Jacques Seligmann, 26 October 1916

Revision as of May 5, 2020, 7:44:27 PM, created by Padarat

October 26, 1916.

Dear Mr. Seligmann: I have your letter of the 10th- always glad to hear from you. The people in Paris who say that I have decided to buy only from Duveens are very much mistaken. I am always glad to purchased anything from you that will add interest to my collection, and I never consult from you that will add interest to my collection, and I never consult Duveens about anything you may offer me. I have not purchased the bust of La Clairon by Houdon. It is my house, and if I should become satisfied that it is genuine I may purchase it. I am not sure I could use the carpet of which you write, but I will look into it. and you may hear from me regarding it later. With kind regards, Always, Yours sincerely, Mr. Jacques Seligmann, 57 Rue Saint Dominique, Paris, France.