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Letter from [Henry Clay Frick] to C.S. Carstairs, 1 August 1914 [front]

Revision as of Aug 20, 2021, 4:41:27 AM, protected by Frickarchives

COPY IN [begin insertion] Ptg. [end insertion] LETTER BOOK Prides Crossing, Mass., August 1, 1914. Dear Mr. Carstairs: Replying to yours of the 24th, am delighted the Turner is developing so well. There is no particular reason why we need it before September, except a desire to see how it looks in the hall. The Sargent might interest us but you did not name a price; I presume that will be given us later. Very sorry indeed to hear of Dunn's condition. Conditions are such at present that I think it wiser to take up some good securities that are selling very low, rather than add to my collection of pictures. Myopia is in fine shape and I am playing daily. Yours sincerely,

Mr. C. S. Carstairs, 15 Old Bond Street, London, England.