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Information regarding Holbein's "Sir Thomas More," circa 10 January 1912 [page 3 of 9]

Revision as of Mar 26, 2020, 5:25:06 PM, edited by Lissnunez12

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26, Golden Square, Regent Street, W.

3 Baldinucci "Lives of the Painters"

Hans Holbein painted another wonderful picture of Sir Thomas More, which formerly hung in the gallery of Henry VIII, in the room the pictures of the most celebrated men of ancient and modern times were kept. This wonderful picture attracted the attention of the infamous Anne Boleyn, the same who had procured the death of Sir Thomas, and caused her to break out into these words: "Alas, what is this, that this man lives again upon this panel?" Whereupon she had it taken from its place, and with her own hands threw it from a lofty window of the palace; and it was attributed to the action of Divine Providence that this valuable portrait, although somewhat injured by the violent blow, was preserved, until, being brought to Rome, it was placed in the Palace of the Crescenzi where it has been kept to this day.

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