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Copy of a letter from [Henry Clay Frick] to Joseph Duveen, 22 June 1916

Revision as of Oct 25, 2020, 12:48:10 AM, edited by Cathy1956


Stamped in blue ink: COPY IN LETTER BOOK.

Prides Crossing, Mass. June 22, 1916.

Dear Mr. Duveen: The essence of our understanding about the bronzes and the limoges was, I was to have all of the finest bronzes or limoges in the collections purchased by you from the Estate of J. P. Morgan. I would like you to mark in the Morgan catalogue of bronzes those I have purchased, and you may, if you please, send me a list of the bronzes purchased from the Morgan Estate, and also a complete list of the limoges. I was looking over the catalogue of the bronzes and saw what seemed to me to be a very beautiful one called, I think, "The Ascension." It may be that you did not get that from the Morgan Estate. I do not want to have another experience like I had with the porcelains, and have Uncle Henry slip in and select a few of the finest for one of his customers. Yours very truly,

Mr. Joseph Duveen, Messrs. Duveen Brothers, 720 Fifth Avenue, N.Y.

In graphite: hand back