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Letter from Duveen Brothers to J. Holroyd, 18 November 1911 [page 2 of 2]

Revision as of Feb 8, 2021, 11:47:24 PM
created by Padarat
Revision as of Feb 8, 2021, 11:47:40 PM
edited by Padarat
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Duveen Brothers
Duveen Brothers
Mr. J. Holroyd
Mr. J. Holroyd
c/o H. C>Frick, Esq.
c/o H. C. Frick, Esq.
Prides Crossing, Mass
Prides Crossing, Mass

Revision as of Feb 8, 2021, 11:47:40 PM

302 Fifth Avenue New York

  1. 2 J. Holroyd 11/18/11

under separate cover, with the photographs about referred to. For the purpose of quick transit. we have torn the page from between the covers. With regard to the Frans Hals, photograph of a Burgomaster, we beg to enclose you the only particulars that we have about this painting, and trust that same will answer Miss Frick's purpose. If there is anything we can do, we shall be very happy to receive instructions and to give effect to them without delay. Believe us to remain Faithfully yours, Duveen Brothers Mr. J. Holroyd c/o H. C. Frick, Esq. Prides Crossing, Mass