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Description of a silk carpet from Ardebil Mosque in the Charles T. Yerkes Collection, 1910 [page 4 of 4]

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being recognized symbols of regeneration. The small forms, readily identified as Chinese, which occur throughout the border as adjuncts of the vine, are shown by Mr. Stebbing, in an exhaustive discussion convincingly illustrated, to be the cotyledons, or seed cells. In the narrow stripes the iris, on a swaying vine, speaks of Egyptian influence, and reads a lesson kin to that found in the other parts of the rug. Even the narrow dividing lines, known to the weavers as su or "water", show forth the same idea, in the succession of small infinity-shaped image shapes used so commonly for like purposes in the fine Persian weavings of Feraghan, and in certain Caucasian fabrics, from the earliest times down to the present, and which are universally recognized as the primitive "sun lines" and a symbol of life and of God the giver thereof.

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