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Copy of letter from W. Roberts to H.C. Frick, 7 July 1911 [page 1 of 3]

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Letter to H. C. Frick, Esq. from Robert. London. Dear Sir: I am very much obliged to you for your letter and check. My Romney book is out of prints, but I am hoping to get a bookseller to send you a Japanese paper copy at considerably less than published price- perhaps about $5.00 Your Gainsborough painting of the Hon. Frances Duncombe hung for a time in Mr. Morgan's house. I think it was a question with him as to this or another, and that he elected to take the other. It was then in excellent condition and I did not find any indications of repainting. In 1871 it was covered with a century's dust and smoke but otherwise unimpared. I forgot to state that there is a unique colored and quite amusing story of the picture in the "Reminiscenses" of W.P. Frith, R.A. who speaks of it as a "lovely" Gainsborough. I will send you this book when I can pick up a copy. I should like to call your attention to two or three pictures which I know. The first of these is a portrait of Lawrence Washington of Garden (who dies in 1643), it is the only early portrait in existence with the Washington arms, the origin of the American Stars and Stripes. I believe George Washington was in doubt about his relationships with the Garsden Wasingtonm but a recent discovery here tends to prove that his branch does derive from that of Garsden. As a work my way of thinking, its historical interest is exceed-

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