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Letter from [H.C. Frick] to Roger E. Fry, 29 December 1910

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COPY IN in graphite: ^ Painting LETTER BOOK. December 29, 1910.

Dear Mr. Fry: I have your cable this morning reading: "Attribution rubens confirmed too directors national galleries have secured for three thousands please mail cheque immediately." I enclose herewith draft on London for Three thousand ( in ink: £ 3000) Pounds. Please ship the picture by American Express and have it delivered to me at Trinity Building, 111 Broadway, New York. I would prefer not to have it go through Knoedlers. I am anxious to have nothing but very important pictures, and I have my doubts whether the one just purchased is as important as I should have in my collection; however, I have great faith in your judgment. Please see that we receive from you such a letter regarding the underlined in graphite: Polish Rider as my daughter indicated we should have; in view of the fact that a copy of it was made, the question might arise in future that we had the copy and not the original, and if we have a letter from you giving full particulars of the transaction, it will be most satisfactory. With the Compliments of the Season, Believe me, Yours very truly,

Mr. Roger E. Fry, Chantry Dene, Guildford, England.

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